You're right!
Not quite..
When role plays hand
she'll peg 0.00 points
and her opponent will peg 0.00,
for an average of 0.00
net points while pegging.
But when role plays hand
she'll peg 0.00
and her opponent will peg 0.00,
for an average of 0.00
net points while pegging.
Playing the hand gives role
an extra 0.00 points of net pegging, on average.
When role plays hand
she'll peg 0.00 points
on average.
But when role plays hand
she'll only average 0.00
points of pegging.
Playing the hand gives role
an extra 0.00 points of pegging offense, on average.
When role plays hand
her opponent will peg 0.00 points on average.
But when role plays hand
her opponent will average 0.00
points of pegging.
Playing the hand gives role
an extra 0.00
points of pegging defense, on average.
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